In therapy, the relationship starts at the first contact. Please feel free to call initially by phone; however, if you would like to express your interest by text, WhatsApp or email, that’s fine, too. I’d be happy to call you back at your convenience, if appropriate – or we could arrange an initial meeting without speaking. Please let me know if your voicemail is private and whether I can leave a message.
Both of my telephone numbers have voicemail systems that only I can access, so any messages will be private and confidential. If I call you back and someone else answers, I will maintain your confidentiality and not disclose why I am calling.
Also please do feel free to use WhatsApp.
If you reside in Luxembourg, do call +352 20 33 17 30, at local Luxembourg call rates. Luxembourg resident’s page.
If you are considering telephone or video counselling, it has become the norm since the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Most clients very much appreciate the convenience of not having to travel for sessions. The results of telephone and video work appear highly comparable to face-to-face sessions.