I am a well-qualified and experienced, UK-based therapist offering English language counselling for Luxembourg residents, over the phone and via video. This being an extension to my UK-based practice.
This page is focused on reaching out to residents in Luxembourg, mainly because I know the city well and have a fondness for it and the various people I have met there over the years, working for the EU institutions and other organisations in the city. My numerous visits to see family in Luxembourg span three decades.
If you are interested in learning more about receiving counselling in Luxembourg, please call me directly now. If, however, you would like to read more about my practice, then do explore the rest of my website.
Having worked exclusively with clients face-to-face until the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, I suddenly found myself in the position of only being able to work with clients remotely. I felt this was a great opportunity to offer my skills and services to a wider community of clients. I look forward to your call and to offer counselling to new clients based in Luxembourg.
Over the last year, I have delivered the majority of my therapy sessions to clients, via telephone and video, including Couples Therapy! Interestingly both my clients and I have found the experience very rewarding. Clients often find fitting our sessions into their busy days so much easier when there is no travel involved, and the quality of sessions can be just as good as working face-to-face.
My Luxembourg number is +352 20 33 17 30.