This gallery is intended to offer you an insight in to some of the significant contributors to my Humanistic way of working. They are drawn from over 400 references used in my degree, and are people who inspire me profoundly. If you hover over an image it will reveal their names and a brief note of their contribution.
The Dragonfly logo is Copyright © 2015 with all rights reserved to Jonathan Mitchell
The site background photo of footsteps from the sea is called ‘Oahu Explored’ and is the creation of Nancy <I’m gonna SNAP! aka Nancy nance, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The ‘Home page’ menu photos are called ‘Between The Raindrops’ and ‘Paring’, they are the creations of JD Hancock, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The front page menu photo is called ‘The Emoticon Totem’ and is the creation of Anders Rune Jensen, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The image in ‘A Male Counsellor?’ is called ‘Yin yang moon sun‘ and is the creation Donkeyhotey, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The photo in ‘Call Me’ is called ‘iPhone 4s‘ and is the creation of Matthew Pearce, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The photo in ‘Online and Telephone Counselling’ is called ‘Luxembourg City Night‘ it is the creation of Benh Lieu Song (own work), changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The mars/male clipart in ‘A Male Counsellor?’ is called ‘A Blaze of Bright Blue’ and is a clip art image by Cliparts.co, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The image in ‘A Male Counsellor?’ is called ‘Symbol Venus‘ and is the creation of Christian “VisualBeo” Horvat (own work), changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons, via Wikimedia Commons.
The photo in ‘Call me’ is called ‘Old phone‘ and is the creation of Kurt Bauschardt, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The photo in ‘Individual Therapy’ is called ‘Tight rope 1‘ and is the creation of Tom a la Rue, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The photo in ‘Send me a message’ of mailboxes is called ‘Line up, line up’ and is the creation of PDR, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The photo in ‘Family Therapy’ is called ‘Might as well jump‘ and is the creation of Henrik Sandklef, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The photo in ‘Couples Therapy’ is called ‘Athens‘ and is the creation of Seth Sawyers, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The image used for directions to Pondtail Park in ‘Find me’ was accessed from Google Maps.
The photos of hotels in ‘Phone and Online Therapy’ page are of Sofitel Luxury Hotels.
The image on the ‘Working Abroad’ article, is called ‘Rest in Peace‘ and is the creation of Randy Robertson, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The image in ‘Anger Management’ is called ‘Anger‘ and is the creation of Patrik Nygren, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The symbol in ‘Sexual Issues’ is the Parental Advisory Label which is a registered trademark of the British Recorded Music Industry, downloaded from Wikimedia the image is in the public domain, and contains no original authorship.
The image in ‘Sexual Issues’ of the Vitruvian man is called ‘Vitruvian’ and is the creation of Simon Zeno, changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
The image in ‘Sexual Issues’ is of ‘The Rebuke of Adam and Eve‘ is an image by Ed Uthman changes were made and it is reproduced under Creative Commons.
Here is a copy of the creative commons licence from Flickr.com:
Academic references:
Buber, M (1970). Translated by Kaufmann, W. I and Thou. Edinburgh: T & T Clark.
Sedgwick, E (1985). Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire. New York: Columbia University Press.
Von Schlippe, A & Schweitzer, J (1998). Lehrbuch der Systemischen Therapie und Beratung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.